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Natural Health Therapists in North Canterbury

Locally recommended for the needs of children and mothers

Natural Healthcare for Babies & Children (and adults)


Jacqueline Griffin in Rangiora. Medical Herbalist.

Phone 03-310 6052


Natalie in Rangiora. Visit the Facebook page.



Osteopaths and Cranialsacral Therapists recommended for babies and children:


Diane Payne for cranialsacral therapy in Loburn

027 4377 170 and


Richard Jensen at Northlands Healthcare for osteopathy

162 Main North Road, Papanui, Christchurch; phone 03 352 2202



Chiropractors recommended for babies and children:


Sam Keeling at Habitat Chiropractic in Kaiapoi

3b/121b Raven Quay, Kaiapoi, phone 03 261 9008


Caleb Ruthven at Papanui Chiropractic

22 Grampian Street, Casebrook; phone 03-423 3554


Val at Evolve Chiropractic in Redwood

140 Grimseys Road, Christchurch; phone 03-352 7500



Osteopaths recommended for mother's postpartum care:


Kate Metcalfe in Kaiapoi

59 Hilton Street, Kaiapoi; phone 03 327 4041










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