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Rangiora & surrounds 

including Woodend, Waikuku, Pegasus, Sefton & Ashley 

Timetable for zero to fives (term time only)





9:30am-12noon Rangiora John Knox Church (corner King and High streets) runs a Fun with Music playgroup. This is a music programme and playgroup for babies and preschoolers along with their parents, grandparents or caregivers. The playgroup begins at 9:30, then the music session runs from 10:00-10:45. There is morning tea (provided) and then more play until 12noon. $3 per family on the day or $15 per term. Find them on Facebook here.


9:30-11:30am Waikuku Beach Playgroup at Community Hall, Waikuku Beach (Corner Park Terrace & Domain Terrace). Bring your child's morning tea and a gold coin. Coffee and tea provided for parents and caregivers. For more information, add us on Facebook.


10:30-11:00am  Rangiora Library Babytime for 0-2 years. Come along for fun and interactive songs, rhymes, poems and stories. This is a great way to engage your child with language, and to meet other parents and carers. Free. 


10:30-11:30am Rangiora Charles Upham Retirement Village Play Group. Secure your spot via the Facebook page (spaces limited). Older pre-schoolers are preferred as they can interact more with the residents but all children/babies are welcome. Free play, songs and morning tea. No cost. Please note: This playgroup will not be running until post Covid-19 (check the Facebook page for updates.)


10:00-10:30am Rangiora Library Storytime for 2-5 year olds. Listening to stories is fun, develops children’s listening skills and love of books, and is a chance for parents to meet.


11:00-12:o0 Rangiora Plunket Coffee Group. 6 Albert Street. Koha appreciated to cover costs. For more info email


10:00-12noon Rangiora Trinity Methodist Church hall runs Dance & Sing Slide. Instruments, singing and dancing for all babies and children under five. Music session from 10-10:30ish then morning tea for everyone. Toys and play equipment is provided for the babies and children for play after morning tea. $4 per family. See their website for details and contact Margaret 021 032 0908.


9:30am SPACE at Woodend Playcentre.


10:00am Woodend Music & Play at St Barnabas Church hall. Morning tea provided. Find the group on Facebook for more info and contact.


10:00am (fortnightly) Mini Movers & Music for under fives, Upstairs in ‘the Loft’ at the Gables Arcade, 96 High street Rangiora (free). If you would like to attend and keep up to date with session dates you can join the Facebook group.



10:00-10:30am Storytime for 2-5 year olds at Rangiora Library. Listening to stories is fun, develops children’s love of books and listening skills, and is a chance for parents to meet.


9:30-12noon Ashley Adventurers: Ashley Playcentre go on an outdoor excursion every Thursday, somewhere different every week. Come exploring, adventuring and getting in touch with nature with your children. Email







9:30-11:30am Wee Ones Playgroup at the Woodend Community Centre on School Road. Activities, art and toys. All Waimakariri District families welcome. Now offering a tumble time twice a term. $2 per family. Find them on Facebook or Contact


10:00-12noon Music Connections at the St John Anglican Church hall in Rangiora (corner High and Church Streets). A group in rangiora for all preschoolers and carers to enjoy a morning of fun, music, movement and play with morning tea provided. A safe space for making new friends for you and your children. Find on Facebook.


10:00-12noon (fortnightly) Mums & Mini’s S.P.A.C.E every 2nd Friday at Rangiora Baptist Youth Hall, 111 East Belt. This is a great playgroup for young parents. Those interested are welcome to join the Facebook group and message if you have any questions.


12:30-3:00pm Babies Can Play for under twos at Ashley Playcentre. For more information and to register your interest, follow this link. Find Babies Can Play on Facebook here.





The first three visits to any Playcentre are free. After that you can enrol and usually a donation per term is requested.


Ashley Playcentre 0-6 years; free parent education. Runs 9:00am to 1:00pm Monday to Thursday and 9:00am-12:00noon Friday at 43 Canterbury St, Ashley. Thursdays are an outdoor exploring session off-site. Ph: (03) 3134310. 

Baby & Me: Wednesday mornings.

Ashley Adventurers: Every Thursday Ashley Playcentre are running an outdoor excursion session. Come exploring, adventuring and getting in touch with nature with your children.


Rangiora Playcentre 0-6 years; free parent education. Runs 9am to 12noon daily at 35 White Street, Rangiora. Ph: (03) 313 6968.

Active explorers - outdoor excursions every Wednesday.


Woodend Playcentre 0-6 years, free parent education. 9:15am to 12:15pm Mon, Tues, Thu and Fri. 6B School Road, Woodend. Ph: 027 353 2131 or or find us on Facebook.



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